Jarrold of Norwich (gia UK winner and Excellence in Housewares Awards’ Best Department Store – Independent and Bira member) has been running a pop-up Corner Shop within the store to help customers buy essentials such as loo rolls and cleaning materials,. Last week the store donated supplies of toilet roll its local Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Charity.
“We are trying to help our local community as much as we can at the moment,“ confirmed housewares and deli manager Chris Parsons at the end of last week (March 20). “We have also started doing takeaway meals for people to take home and freeze since the shops are empty.”

Recognising the importance of humour to buoy up spirits, Jarrold of Norwich used Twitter to announce it had a supply of loo roll alongside one of the historic and nostalgic department store’s 1920s posters advertising toilet tissue (offering ‘special prices for bulk quantities’!).

* Jarrold closed its stores and online store on Monday 23. It is now encouraging its community of customers to share uplifting posts on its social media channels.
*As the current UK gia (Global Innovation Award) winner, Jarrold has been invited to The Inspired Home Show 2021, where it will receive its national gia trophy. John Adams, Jarrold’s trading and marketing director said it is “lovely to have this to look forward to 2021!”
Top: Jarrold have been helping customers get the essentials that are selling out in many supermarkets.