Some key housewares suppliers discuss the growing impact of sustainability and what they are do
To celebrate Halo’s 15th anniversary, Denby’s is launching new pieces to the collection, including limi
Denby has introduced a new collection of handcrafted accessories for the bathroom, kitchen, utility
Hayley Baddiley, global marketing director at Denby tells PH about the year so far
The partnership is promoting the new Kiln Blue range with a consumer competition.
At Exclusively this week, Denby launched new Brew drinkware pieces in two of its b
Nigel Mills, the Member of Parliament for Amber Valley, visited Denby Pottery’s new solar ar
Handcrafted in Derbyshire, Denby’s Greenhouse & Carve collection is styled to suit the way
Kiln Blue joins the Kiln Tableware Portfolio in 2024, inspired by the colours and textu